Sunday, August 16, 2009


As I sit here in Marietta, Georgia blogging out of my East Cobb home, I fear how myopic many have become. I have had the privilege of knowing some great marketers over my 28 year career. However, the world has changed. The demographics of this great country have shifted and evolved to represent a plethora of nationalities, cultures, religions and political views. Has this affected the world of marketing? You bet it has. As Americans we can all be impacted at times by the same communication vehicles but that is rapidly becoming less effective. That is why NIARCHOS MEDIA SOLUTIONS is sounding a wake up call to the small businessperson. If your marketing mix does not include alternate mediums to speak intimately with these very lucrative minority markets, you are being naive and as I mentioned earlier, myopic. The African-American, Hispanic and Asian Communities to name just a few are waiting to be spoken to. Major corporations have already implemented these campaigns and profit from them accordingly. Most small to medium businesses are still too busy trying to" keep the wolf away from the door" to give much thought to DIVERSITY MARKETING. It is said,"That the sweetest sound to a person's ear is their own name". Then does it not make sense to call out to these unique markets? Do not be discouraged that you do not know where to start. Seek out a consultant that will integrate not dominate your marketing dollars. Open your eyes, your minds and your hearts. Is this a great country or what?

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